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6 Ways to Naturally Grow Longer Lashes

Ways to Naturally Grow Longer Lashes

Here’s good news: if you’ve ever dreamed of having lashes like a Disney princess. You can avoid wearing falsies to get that effect. All it takes is a few drops of oil on your lashes before bed. It may sound too good to be true, but it works. The trick is using one or all of these oils regularly for at least three months. There are several different kinds out there. Some are more natural than others, so we’ll explain how each works and which ones are best for what you’re looking for.

1. Use Castor Oil

Castor oil has been used for centuries as a remedy for hair growth and to treat various skin conditions. It’s rich in fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins A, D, and E, which are necessary for healthy hair growth.

You can use castor oil in all your regular beauty routines, but it’s especially effective when applied directly to the lashes with a cotton swab or Q-tip. If you’re using castor oil on your lashes every day, make sure to only apply a small amount at first so that they don’t get irritated or damaged by too much product buildup.

Castor oil has also been shown to promote eyelash growth when applied topically at night with an eyedrop applicator, but only if it’s pure. Oils diluted with water won’t have the same effect.

2. Use Lash Serum

If you want longer lashes, there’s a way to achieve that look naturally. A serum is a thicker and more concentrated version of oil. For example, Babe Lash Essential Serum helps to thicken your natural lashes, promote growth and prevent breakage.

Serums are easy to apply: After cleansing your face at night or when you wake up in the morning, gently place three drops on each eye area with a cotton swab. Allow it to dry before applying makeup products (or leave off any makeup altogether). Serums work best when used daily. However, some people may find that their eyes burn slightly after application if they wear their contact lenses too soon after using this product, so it’s crucial not to wear contacts immediately after using Babe Lash Essential Serum.

3. Use Coconut Oil

If you want to increase the length of your lashes, try applying coconut oil before bed. This can be done with a cotton swab or by massaging small amounts into the eyelids. Applying coconut oil on a nightly basis for at least a month will help promote hair growth and strengthen the lashes, making them look longer than they did before.

4. Use Lemon Peel Oil

You can easily find lemon peel oil at your local health food store. It’s much more affordable than the other options on this list and will do a great job of growing longer eyelashes. Lemon peel oil is also easy to use. Simply apply it directly to your lashes once in the morning and once at night before bed, using an eye dropper or cotton swab. Just make sure you’re careful not to get any on your eyelids. You don’t need to worry about getting any in your eyes.

5. Use Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly)

For those who have long been told that petroleum jelly is a no-no, you may be surprised to learn that it can actually promote eyelash growth. The reason for this is that petroleum jelly acts as a moisturizer, which promotes the growth of eyelashes. However, while this may seem like a great way to grow longer lashes, it is essential to note that there are some potential downsides.

6. Use Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural moisturizer, and it can make your lashes grow longer. It’s a good idea to use olive oil for this purpose if you have eyelash extensions or false lashes since it will nourish the skin underneath them. You can also apply olive oil directly to your lashes before bedtime. It won’t stain your pillowcase as mascara might. Make sure not to rub your eyes with olive oil on them as it might irritate them.


The best way to get longer lashes is to nourish them with the right ingredients. You can also use these homemade remedies as a preventative measure if you have thin lashes. The key here is consistency and patience. It may take a while before you notice any changes but don’t give up.

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